Sunday, June 6, 2010

Putting the Fun back into Flying

Some people are thinking of a better way of transportation that's faster and more effective like a sort of 'Air-TAXI'.
With the way our air travel is now (with tons of delays and terrorist issues) it makes travel slow and there are delays in so many flights that it's becoming slower and more inconvinient then traveling in car. Also to fly to one place sometimes you have to bord another smaller flight out of the way to another destination that isn't where you are headed and then take a smaller flight to where you want to be which is a hassle and takes a lot of time.
People like private jets where they pay a lot of money and take a nice flight that they schedule (much like a TAXI) and there is thought about if this would be a good idea to turn into a reality.

Social Networking and relationships

Researchers have found that social networking can ruin friendships. Some girls say that when they want to hang out with friends they make up excuses and then hang out with others and then post about it and have wall to wall chats about it. This gets feelings hurt and the girls don't normally open up and talk about it which makes communication limited and not effective.
People believe that social networking sites like myspace and facebook give everyone the ability to name and rank their friends (which they do) and it actually hurts people who find others ranked higher on their best friends lists.

Social Networking Narcissism

I was reading an issue of Teen Vogue and I came over an article "Facebook Narcissism". It said that a recent study of college students showed that nearly 60% agreed that "People in my generation use social networking sites for self-promotion, narcissism, and attention-seeking."
A girl from California says she has friends who post everyday or so and then a friend who spends all her free time on Facebook posting pictures every day and asking friends to comment them.
The article talkes about how some people have +1,000 friends that they don't even know but with the more friends they have, the better they feel about themselves.
Researchers are questioning if it's emotionally healthy to spend so much time talking about life in such detail. Also by being on networking sites so much, it could lead to an 'inflated state of self'. "If people 'like' your status or comment a lot, your self-esteem gooes up." Says Julie from Chicago.
There's a show of Narcissism on facebook from the people who have so many pictures of themselves on Facebook.
People from jobs/colleges/etc. Check facebook and can tell that if you're a narcissist that you'll have a difficult time maintaining relationships and working with groups.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Floods in China

Meteorologists are saying that the heavy rainfall in china is supposed to end on Monday after a month of rain. The major rain had triggered floods, landslides, and burst dikes causing about 100 deaths and affecting 15 million people.
In Taojiang county, the worst hit, education officials have closed primary and middle schools (about 65,000 students) on Friday as a precaution. Classes won't continue until the heavy rain ends. The rain has been through 36 counties forcing the evacuation of 120,000. There is an estimated amount of economic loss of $105.59 million.

Korea and it's issues pt. 2

South Korea thinks that the sinking of their ship was by a north Korean submarine and that it was planned out by internal Pyongyang politics. North Korea denies their involvement in the issue. The south Korean foreign minister says that north kora might have done this to distract from other issues that it has.
South Korea plans on using this action to economically hurt north Korea and stop all flows of money in north Korea.
The old leader of north Korea is growing weaker so now his third son, kim Jong-un, is planning on taking over the throne soon. The world knows little to nothing about his son and are afraid of the future when he comes to take the throne.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Korean Issues

South Korea thinks that the sinking of their ship was by a North Korean submarine and that it was planned by internal Pyongyang politics. North Korea keeps denying their involvement. The South Korean Foreign Minister says that North Korea might have done this to distract everyone from other issues that it has.
South Korea plans on using this action to economically hurt North Korea and stop all flows of money in North Korea.
The old leader of North Korea is growing weaker so now his third son, Kim Jong-un, is planning on taking over the throne soon. The world knows little to nothing about this son and are afraid of the future when he comes to have the throne.

I think that maybe South Korea needs to look into things with the ship sinking a little bit more because they shouldn’t just jump into situations like this that could lead to disaster. Also I don’t know about this soon to be ‘new ruler’ although everyone knows little about him too but I think we shouldn’t worry so much yet since they say he attended college in Switzerland and knows English quite well. Maybe he’ll be smart enough to make up his own decisions on the world and in North Korea.