Thursday, January 28, 2010

What's going down in the middle east?

Watching the 'State of Union' inspired many thoughts about Health care, Jobs, economy, and change. But what I didn't expect was that we were going to have our soldiers moved from Iraq to Afghanistan after August.
The troops will be moving towards the borders of Iran, which holds nuclear weapons, and lingering there by next year.
America's relations with Russia have increased since the treaty between the two about the decreasing of Nuclear weapons sales. Also yesterday, a conference in London, with 44 nations involved, was held about the situation of other nations that have nuclear weapons and aren’t afraid to use them and to secure all nuclear weapons so that the other 'outside' nations will not be able to get hold of them. Obama wants to create a world of peace (Something most people want) but those nations are a threat to the world and his plans on 'ostracizing' them seem to me like a childish way to commence.

State of Union. January 26, 2010