Sunday, June 6, 2010

Putting the Fun back into Flying

Some people are thinking of a better way of transportation that's faster and more effective like a sort of 'Air-TAXI'.
With the way our air travel is now (with tons of delays and terrorist issues) it makes travel slow and there are delays in so many flights that it's becoming slower and more inconvinient then traveling in car. Also to fly to one place sometimes you have to bord another smaller flight out of the way to another destination that isn't where you are headed and then take a smaller flight to where you want to be which is a hassle and takes a lot of time.
People like private jets where they pay a lot of money and take a nice flight that they schedule (much like a TAXI) and there is thought about if this would be a good idea to turn into a reality.

Social Networking and relationships

Researchers have found that social networking can ruin friendships. Some girls say that when they want to hang out with friends they make up excuses and then hang out with others and then post about it and have wall to wall chats about it. This gets feelings hurt and the girls don't normally open up and talk about it which makes communication limited and not effective.
People believe that social networking sites like myspace and facebook give everyone the ability to name and rank their friends (which they do) and it actually hurts people who find others ranked higher on their best friends lists.

Social Networking Narcissism

I was reading an issue of Teen Vogue and I came over an article "Facebook Narcissism". It said that a recent study of college students showed that nearly 60% agreed that "People in my generation use social networking sites for self-promotion, narcissism, and attention-seeking."
A girl from California says she has friends who post everyday or so and then a friend who spends all her free time on Facebook posting pictures every day and asking friends to comment them.
The article talkes about how some people have +1,000 friends that they don't even know but with the more friends they have, the better they feel about themselves.
Researchers are questioning if it's emotionally healthy to spend so much time talking about life in such detail. Also by being on networking sites so much, it could lead to an 'inflated state of self'. "If people 'like' your status or comment a lot, your self-esteem gooes up." Says Julie from Chicago.
There's a show of Narcissism on facebook from the people who have so many pictures of themselves on Facebook.
People from jobs/colleges/etc. Check facebook and can tell that if you're a narcissist that you'll have a difficult time maintaining relationships and working with groups.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Floods in China

Meteorologists are saying that the heavy rainfall in china is supposed to end on Monday after a month of rain. The major rain had triggered floods, landslides, and burst dikes causing about 100 deaths and affecting 15 million people.
In Taojiang county, the worst hit, education officials have closed primary and middle schools (about 65,000 students) on Friday as a precaution. Classes won't continue until the heavy rain ends. The rain has been through 36 counties forcing the evacuation of 120,000. There is an estimated amount of economic loss of $105.59 million.

Korea and it's issues pt. 2

South Korea thinks that the sinking of their ship was by a north Korean submarine and that it was planned out by internal Pyongyang politics. North Korea denies their involvement in the issue. The south Korean foreign minister says that north kora might have done this to distract from other issues that it has.
South Korea plans on using this action to economically hurt north Korea and stop all flows of money in north Korea.
The old leader of north Korea is growing weaker so now his third son, kim Jong-un, is planning on taking over the throne soon. The world knows little to nothing about his son and are afraid of the future when he comes to take the throne.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Korean Issues

South Korea thinks that the sinking of their ship was by a North Korean submarine and that it was planned by internal Pyongyang politics. North Korea keeps denying their involvement. The South Korean Foreign Minister says that North Korea might have done this to distract everyone from other issues that it has.
South Korea plans on using this action to economically hurt North Korea and stop all flows of money in North Korea.
The old leader of North Korea is growing weaker so now his third son, Kim Jong-un, is planning on taking over the throne soon. The world knows little to nothing about this son and are afraid of the future when he comes to have the throne.

I think that maybe South Korea needs to look into things with the ship sinking a little bit more because they shouldn’t just jump into situations like this that could lead to disaster. Also I don’t know about this soon to be ‘new ruler’ although everyone knows little about him too but I think we shouldn’t worry so much yet since they say he attended college in Switzerland and knows English quite well. Maybe he’ll be smart enough to make up his own decisions on the world and in North Korea.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

American Citizen *Video*

Muslims talk about being an american citizen and what it means. plus their opinions about it.
The Muslim Americans know who they are and what others generally think of their overview which is sad. The muslim extremists have been making a bad name for them and have been causing Americans to think that Muslims and Arabs in general are all terrorists. It's sad and horrible that we, America, let our vision be clouded by what little we see and we don't take into concoderation that these people aren't the only races/cultures/religions with extremists.
The people of America should try to be more open minded but also at the same time we shouldn't become weak with our thinking because those terrorists could get past us and cause more trouble for us.

Peace For a Day *Documentary*

Today we watched this video about this guy who wanted to make a day where the world could be at peace and it seemed to be like a crazy topic to talk about and no one wanted to really help. Looking around he only found actresses and actorels who wanted to help which was beneficial but probibly took longer then if he had politician friends. It took him a while to get the day passed but he managed.
I think it's sad that people don't even want to stop for one day out of 365 days a year for peace when it would clearly be helpful and even beneficial to all not to mention a good way to help kids.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

South Korean Ship Sunk

The South Korean Warship was sunk by an unknown missile and now the South Koreans are blaming North Korea. The South and North Koreans have been having issues ever since North Korea changed to communism.

The South Koreans are gathering a group to organize a new system of national security and expect a plan to be issued in four months.

The South Koreans have formed evidence that North Korea was the one who attacked their ship and now they're trying to make North Korea suffer.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Marijuana's the in thing?

The use of cigarettes has been decreasing but now the use of marijuana has been increasing. 15.8% of tenth graders have said they used pot in April. And that's not including the rest of the world. Milan, Italy has been shootig marijuana constantly with 200,000 users claiming to use it as a medical need.
The number of drug use has been increasing and will probibly rise to a huge percent of the worlds population because of 1. Peer pressure, 2. Pure curiosity, and 3. Everyone else seems to be doing it.
Scientists have found that pot interferes with the brains memory center which makes you less likely to be able to memorize things that would naturally be simple. Also doing pot causes amotivational syndrome which is loss of interest in activities. Smoking pot makes you have "less fun" as well because if you're not excited or interested then that effects your ways of life.
Some do marijuana to releive stress and get away from situations but it makes matters worse. Our brains produce a chemical which helps 'buffer' stress. Doing marijuana prevents that production which in turn makes you stress out more.
The use of marijuana is just stupid unless it's for actual medical needs.

Gardening Health

Experts have found that chemical sprays can cause cellular changer in the body which causes health issues. Scientists say that using pesticides can cause dementia if used regularly.
To prevent these health issues you can either decrease the use of sprays, try going all natural, or plant geraniums and mint to your garden to help keep the insects and rodents away leaving you a healthy untouched garden!

Breakfast importance

Scientist have proven that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It's supposed to be the biggest meal, then lunch is medium sized, and then dinner is the smallest. It's ment to be that way because eating a big breakfast gives your body the energy it needs to stay awake, keep you craving less throught the day, and the human metabilism is working at its peak then after a good nights rest.
America has this backwards and even though it's not something we can just change, I wish to change this in my own schedule. It helps for a healthy lifestyle, better days, and keeping your weight at a healthy level.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Movie in world cultures

Today my world cultures class finished watching a movie that is based off of a true story of what happened in a small village in Iran after Amadinijad became irans leader. Amadinijad changed the ways in Iran from freedom for women to rules and hardship. A womans sister told a French journalist about what happened to her sister. Her sister was married to a man who wanted another. She had four children with this man and he wanted this other girl so much that he accused his wife of adultery and forced some to be false witnesses. The wife is proven guilty and stoned to death (which the movie showed vividly and realistically) by the whole town. By stoning her the men thought that with every rock they threw the more little pieces of honor they got back. She was murdered on false witness and nobody knew until the husband came back and told everyone that the girl that he wanted's father died.
After we watched this movie there was a mix of emotion among my peers. A few were silently crying, some seemed to be fuming, others laughing (dumbies who don't understand life), and those like me sitting stunned, angry, understanding, sad... Everything.
People in America and other places don't seem to get that that is occuring still and that it's actually a part of peoples cultures. Yes it's brutal and crude but it's life.
We need to wake up from our spoiled dream land and just learn to understand.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

*Key Issue* Drug Education

The World is vocalizing their knowledge about drug education not being as affective as they hoped.
The world is being taught in school about drugs and their effects on the human body and life, but it seems as though that isn't enough for some students.
I know and hear about many users and deals and all that stuff and then I go into health class and our teachers talk about the drug effects and dangers but yet they don't listen.
It's sad that kids either think they're smarter then the facts, just testing it out, or are addicted to it. We shouldn't be abusing and using substances like that.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I've been thinking of moving to South Korean in the future after I have a good sum of money because of the currency of Korean Won.
One US dollar can buy you 3 sodas there and I've calculated that the cost in american dollars to live in South Korea would be $191 a month. That's a pretty low price compaired to America where renting an apartment can cost about $700+.
It's rather interesting to look up currency's of different places and compairing them to the US dollar.

Friday, April 9, 2010

*Class Discussion* Tiger Woods

Why is he being targeted so much for his actions?
Compared to any other sports player, Tiger Woods, who plays golf, is being badgered for cheeting on his wife with multiple women.
Yes, this is a big issue because it's wrong to cheat on your spouse and it should be made an issue but not just to pick on Tiger.
Also if an NFL player or so had the same issue then it proibly wouldn't be such a huge deal. The company would most likely cover the issues up.
I think the issue with Tiger is that he had this issue building up for a while and finally karma is coming up with him and dragging him under.

PSSA Testing

Our school is doing PSSA testing throughout this month for the state of PA and even though they're easy for the juniors now that they've gone through more classes.
The state of PA wants us to take these tests to see if the schools' are doing well in teaching and that the students are progressing in learning. If the students progression shows then the school gets more money from the government.
I've started taking them along with my fellow students and I found the first day rather easy. The second was easy as well but a few questions stumped me because I hadn't learned about certain things it asked for since last year.
The PSSA's are annoying to take but at the same time they're helping your school and even can show yourself how much you need to look over things or such.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

*Class Discussion* School decisions

My school has been having issues with its board and school system.
The PTO is very strict in school activities and they're conservative.
The juniors are going to Ozzys after our PSSA testing on the last day and they almost didn't let us do it. I've heard from two different teachers about the PTO and even parents and siblings. Rumor says that they don't change anything, they don't talk about much, and they don't actually listen to those who go to the meetings to speak.
The PTO needs to loosen up or get a massage because their being concervative is creating a stand still in the happenings and progression of our school.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Jihad Jane *Class Discussion*

During class we watched a clip about Jihad Jane and her side of the story (interview). She was an agent for the US but married an American man to be able to become a US citizen. Now that we figured this out, the US people have been against her thinking she's a terrorist.
It's sad because now if you have some type of connection to the Middle East then you're automatically thought of as a terrorist or even shunned because of what certain people in that area are doing.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Dieting and better bodies

So All this week I've been crazy about eating healthier and just better in general but I find that dieting in cutting foods and eating certain things isn't helpful or key. You can't like your plan or even stay true to it if you are craving foods that you love but can't eat.
I've been trying to exercise regularly but with eating healthyer I seem to be eating more and having less self control over my eating. Also it seems like I've been getting thicker during the week.
Diets don't work right for certain if not most people and the keys to getting a nice bod is drinking tons of water, eating at the proper times ( big breakfast, medium sized lunch, and small dinner which should be before 7). The Americans seem to have the schedule backwards.

Smoking in Russia

There has been arise in cancer due to the increase of smokers. The percentage of adults and even teens smoking in Russia has increased dramatically over the course of time and now the Russian government it raising the prices on ciggarettes and trying to use anti-tobacco billboards around Moscow to down the percentage.
I think it's sad that tobacco products have a grip on so many people in all places of the world. I know people in school around me who use tobacco products and even worse and most likely it's going to change the society even more and soon cancer and different issues will be shown more clearly instead of being kept on the low. It's very sad though that a lot of people are getting into pointless things like that and ruining their lives most likely.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

*Class Discussion* Propper Educuit

Today we started talking about how it's rude to wear a hat inside any building or even a place covered by anything. One of our classmates was talking about how when he's wearing a uniform for CAP he always takes his hat off during those times.
We also talked about using foul language. It's rude and now that I think about it we all use foul language too much. And another thing is that we use it in front of our superiors. It's rude and it'll probibly get worse with time.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Class Discussion 3/22/10 Health foods in School

As said in a previous blog the school food system has changed over the years. Now the lunches provided for us all is meant to feed us 'better' but really it's just getting more expensive and we're not getting enough food.
What we talked about in class is how this isn't a smart way to prevent obesity because students just go home and pig out defeating the purpose of this system of 'health foods'.
I think that if they need to keep the pricing and eat healthier then they should buy fresh produce and make fresh foods instead of buying frozen or premade foods.

*China Getting Hit by Sandstorms*

China got hit on saterday through sunday by a sandstorm from Mongolia and now their air is poluted. The view inside the city of Bejing is to about 3,000 yards as a visual.
I think this is important because I never heard of sandstorms happening in china. Also it helps me to be more knowledgable about the world and how the climates and storms and how it effects the people of those areas.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Volcano eruption in Iceland

On march 21 a volcano in Iceland erupted and the surrounding area was evacuated. There was no injury or death so everyone was safe but it makes me think about the earthquakes we've been getting through the earth. Either I've been hearing more about them or they've been increasing and if it's the second then that's a bit scary.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Food there not here

I've lived in the south and north of the USA and have noticed that it's harder to find more global foods up north whether it be a chain for fast food or store bought foods.
Up north we have to drive miles to the nearest city or oriental mart in order to buy foods where as in the south they're more numerous.
Maybe it's because there aren't as many Asians (which is what I'm mostly referring to) up north as there are in the south.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Education In the USA - Class Discussion-

During yesterdays class we were talking about issues and happenings in the USA and also relating them to other countries. Something though that caught my attention was education.
I think that education should be for everyone but I also think that our system should be similar to Japan's system. They have to take enterance exams and apply to the school of their choosing with would seperate the classes into the hard working and the middle and the people who don't really care. Even though this is sort of unfair to some by not exactly making everyone equal I think it'd be better to be in a school with the people on your level or who ALL care.
I also like the way China's system is. Their schooling is split up into two different types which are a sort of tech school and regular educational school. But also the way of how they throw the poor and such into tech is unfair.
We should have a sort of system where we can seperate students into the schools by 1) knowledge, 2) common sense, and 3) drive.
It would be more expensive and people would probibly argue but it would be a better system and more beneficial to most.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Health change in schools

The schools in the US are changing their menus to 'heathy food'. But is it really effective?
Personally I've stoped buying school lunches but when I did I usually went home and pigged out on junk food. I don't think this health change is worth it. It costs more and we get less food. Also It doesn't make us healthier it made me feel really bloated.
Our school lunch system isn't really working and just costs more money so I think they need to take a new approach such as actually taking the time to find out a more healthy balanced lunch as well as giving a proper PE education.

New School Schedule

I have been hearing about getting a new school schedule all week and about how other countries have longer days and more days. I used to have a penpal in Russia who only had Sunday off and had school all day including a ton of homework that would take up most of her time. The Japanese go to school longer and are extremely dedicated to schoolwork and have a system that helps the more intellegent/ harder working students to get into better school.
Even though the education in Hawaiian public schools isn't very good they have year round school which probibly helps them.
I think we shouldn't get rid of summer but maybe make the days a bit longer or somehow find a different way to teaching that will hit home with every student.
I also think that we should have a system where every student goes out of country as a foregin exchange student at least once before their graduation. Why do this? Because people need to better understand the cultures and peoples of other lands. We should be able to make connections in other countries and also learn how to cope and work with other cultures.
The american mind doesn't always think outside its borders but I think we all need to. Also we need to have the students see how different things can be in other places. I think that then students would be more interested in school and understand how the world works and understand the winds of change.

Can music Cause a person to act a certain way?

If you walk through a gym of people you could most likely find every type of music on the planet in that room liked. But could you actually 'steriotype' and pick out the people who listen to a certain type of music?
Not everyone dresses and acts like their music choice but a lot do. Such as goth (nothing against them but they're the easiest to use). Goth is normall associated with metal at medium levels, emos would be looked at to listen to depressing slower metal... You could split people into so many different categories. But you can't always tell who's a lover of different musics.
I listen to everything but I like dance and metal the best but many people claim that they'd never see me as the person to listen to metal.
It's not right for people to steriotype music groups but sometimes it's hard to not do. We should try to stop steriotyping but it's harder and harder to stop because new groups are emurging so the world is splitting more and more on that way.

Does culture have too much effect or not enough?

I for one am proud to say I am Japanese but some others would not even think about it. Yes that's ok to just not make a big deal but also it's important to keep the cultural diversity instead of just ignoring it. But it's not a beneficial thing if people take it far enough to reach racism.
I think we should all have a sort of cultural day in the schools of the US and be able to show off our ethnicity and enjoy our ancestory for a day. It'd be fun and even educational.

*NASA- are they telling us everything?*

People have been asking the same question for years whether or not NASA is being honest with the united states about their projects and studies and I posted an opinion question on yahoo this week about what others thought about it. Most of the answerers had a good aurgument about the case. Most however said that they are public about everything since funding is important and will only happen if the peopl find their projects interesting and such.
Some people seem to still think about the Roswell case and about how they found aliens and saucers and different things like that but haven't told us yet.
I believe they may have a bit more advanced technology and such that they are working on but I don't believe they're hiding something extremely huge like stargate. There's benefits and malefactors about telling the people everything. They may either take it wrong or just have a fit with whatever.
I think NASA's doing a great job with watever is going on now.

Nocturnal and daywalking students

I'm actually sitting in bed at 1 in the morning taping away on my itouch (which is super useful) trying to get math and other homework finished because I've been stressed all week and have a bad habit of doing homework at night. A lot of students seem to be doing this more often and you can find people logged into facebook chat in the begining of the night/morning. I of course am one of them righ now but lately with teenage issues I've been really off. Plus the snow days our school has been having are screwing most of us up. Our schedules are warped and our work is all due on different dates.
Yes the fact that half of us are just up doing homework is our fault more then half of the time but how can we fix our schedules and habits so quickly?
We all should either lengthen the day by an hour or so so that we could have a sort of free period or have no homework but work a lot harder in school. Of course I talk from a students point of view but I think it'd be better for most.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Earthquakes Increase

The amount of earthquakes has been increasing and decreasing but the amount of earthquakes worldwide this year ALONE has been 2080. Last year we ended with 14,788 earthquakes. In 2008 the amount of earthquakes was 31,777!
Yes the number of earthquakes increase and decrease but the amount of earthquakes seems to be increasing and we still have nine months left. Also the death toll this year (3 months) is almost the highest of every other year of the 2000's. The death toll is 222,531 this year and bound to increase where as last year was 1787.

The Victem of Rape at Fault?

A girl wearing what most teens wear (wild shirts, dark eye makeup) works at her mother’s diner and asks an old woman if she'd like ketchup. The woman turns to her and says "even though nothing is showing, you're being ungodly. You make men want to be sinful." The Old woman hands the girl a pamphlet and she looks at it. It reads "Woman & Girls" and talks about how it's not only man's fault that some rape girls because the girls are provoking them with their clothing.
Rapes occur to people from ages 2-92+. So technically this assumption could be incorrect. It may have some play in rapes because teens have less concealing clothing and can be unintelligent in situations that lead to Rape but when Christians give out handouts like that it's wrong and not intelligent.
They need to just find out who started this and find all the people who agree and have a sort of debate about this and have both sides talk about it and acknowledge all the points.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Shorter days from Chile

The destructive 8.8 Earthquake in Chile had the world worrying due to deaths and Tsunami's but I didn't expect to find out that that 8.8 Earthquake has sped up the velocity of the earth.
Now the speed has moved 2.7 millarcseconds which will make the days shorter.
In 2004 there was a 9.1 earthquake that sped up the rotation of earth by 6.8 microseconds.
It seems like the amount of natural disasters is increasing over the years and some time (thousands of years from now) the earth might be changed too much for us to live properly.

"NASA: Chile Quake Shifted Earth's Axis, Shortened Day - AOL News." Top News and Analysis From AOL News. Web. 02 Mar. 2010. .

*New Orlean back on their feet?*

On august 29, 2005 hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans with devistating force causing a massive flood and a lot of people to die. Naturally we expect ourselves to help one another and heal ourselves before we play as a savior for another country. But in this case the united states didn't offer as much help as New Orleans needed.
It's been close to five years after and we still rarely hear about how they are doing. They have built up their city again and are back in action but it seems like the number of murders and murderers and robbers and such have gone up. All over the New Orleans news paper I saw tons of articles about how someone's going to jail for something or how the people are still trying to find murderers and about people being shot. They may have built their city back up but they have deffinatly lowered themselves morally to the ground.
The levees were the reason why hurricane Katrina destroyed as much as it did. They were made for 3 point storms which wasn't strong enough and the design was poor. After the hurrican the people built it up again. But exactly how it was before. They should have changed the style of the levees because the previous style obviously didn't work and they are still too weak if some disaster comes up in that area again.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Russia in Olympics

The Russian's didn't seem to do so well in the winter Olympics this year and is going home with only 5 silver and 7 bronze medals. Russia was in 11th place for the gold medals table for the Olympics and was overshadowed by Canada, 13 gold medals, South Korea, 6 gold medals, and China, 5 gold medals.
Since the 1960’s Russia had been dominating in figure skating and ice hockey but this year those two was their weakest link.
The athletes were complaining about how they don't have some of the materials and places needed to practice certain sports such as Luge. They don't have a proper track for it and the sleds needed for the sport cost about $100,000 out of the users pocket and the materials are hard to find as well as the person who makes them.
Figure skater, Irina Rodnina, complained to the heads of the Olympic committee about the funding and ways of training and such.
Russia's ruler Medvedev was going to travel to Vancouver for the closing ceremony but he canceled due to Russia's poor performance which embarrassed him.

I think that Russia should just be happy for now with what they have. I have heard a lot about how the Russian's are very hard core about things and can't stand to lose but they worked hard and maybe over did practicing. They should be happy with what they got because not everyone can be a professional at what they do. They'll probably come back next year double the force.
Also maybe the people complaining might be able to convince the Olympic committee to change a few things about their training, funding, and facilities.
I wish them luck in their routines and practices over the next period of time until the next Winter Olympics.

"Russia Suffers Its Worst-Ever Olympics | Olympic Coverage | The Moscow Times." Main page | The Moscow Times | Daily newspaper. Web. 01 Mar. 2010. .

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

*Tunnles Under Las Vegas*

Looking at the news last night I found a headline that caught my attention. Under the bright lights of Las Vegas are tunnles ment to protect the city from floods but they seem to have another use that people don't choose to pay attention to. Miles into those tunnles people set up homes and live off of the left over coins that people leave in the vending machines.
The residents of the tunnles got down there by being chased by the police and drugs but even though they are living in unsanitary conditions they claim that they can get enough money to survive down below.
A comment that I read said that the US was giving $100 million to Haiti and other nations but we should be focusing on the conditions and issues in the states.
I agree with that comment because even though it's nice to help others out we have issues in the US that we need to fix and overcome before going out and helping others.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A chain that Pigs would die for

Russ Kremer, farmer in a village near the foothills of Ozark, was contacted by the Chipotle executives and asked to supply pig meat for fast food lines. This is different because normally the meat for fast food and other places consists of processed tainted meat. Russ's farm is all natural with happy pigs. But Chipotle's meat was only 7% organic meat.
McDonalds owned Chipotle until 2006 when the "Fast food Nation" came into view against the animal cruelty and abusive labor practices.
The man who fully owned the Chipotle company started to produce fully organic food.
America is starting to get healthier foods and finally the US is working towards health. But a downfall of all organic foods would be prices because then it takes more time and such for all healthy meat and it's not as convenient.
I think we should try being healthier and stop the animals suffering in these more 'cconvenient' processors. It'd be beneficial for the animals and our people.

Kuchment, Anna. "A Chain That Pigs Would Die For." Newsweek 12 May 2008: 45-46. Print.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Katrina documentary

In class we watched a documentary about the Katrina disaster and this is what it was about.
Part 1:
The hurricane Katrina devistated Louisiana and the automatic thought was that since it was a sad time of loss for the people in the area that they would help each other and stand together. Some of the people however were going balistic. People were out stealing, raping, killing, etc.
Part 2:
The News crews were down there in the next day after the hurricane but help didn't come for a week or so and the president was late and things were timed wrong. The president that was in office during the time, George W. Bush, didn't help as much as he should have.
Part 3:
New Orleans was still a mess a few weeks after but it seems as if the USA was hesitant to help them. When Haiti got hit America and a lot of other nations went over to help the Hatians. America called the people of Louisiana refugees but the people were AMERICAN!
Part: 4
The culture of New Orleans was different from that around it. Jazz was born there and the French incorperated some of their culture into the place that changed a little over time and the slaves were there and stayed there.
The people are obviously in pain and struggling about the loss of everything, even loved ones. A lot of people are taking different pills and medication because some can't sleep, post-dramatic stress syndrome, depression, etc.
Part 5:
The people needed something to help them through the times and the solution for the time was to have a Mardigraw Parade. The spirits of people raised but when it was done the mess of Katrina was still there. The people left and the smells and debrees was still there.
People were searching the houses for the dead but most houses weren't actually searched.
The Levees were built as a 3.5 storm protection but Katrina was a 5 point storm. And now the Levees were built again... the same way as before.

Iranian Government

The people of Iran are complaining about the ‘walls’ being put up to keep them from information from the outside. Google has observed a drop of activity from Iran and Iranian Gmail users have questioned why they can’t access Google well.
The Iranian government is putting up walls to keep the information from the people. It’s a bold move that’s against the outsiders and angering Iran’s people. Some leaders have actually started a protest and people are in the streets rebelling.
Google is having troubles lately because just last month they were going to take their services out of China due to terrorist hacks, etc.

The problem with Iran seems to be flaring and what I got from the State of Union was that Obama was just going to ignore them to death excluding them from the UN and not giving them any information on anything. Even though I agree we should be excluding certain information, ignoring them is childish and will only anger them further.
Even though Iran is threatening and troublesome, the world needs to step up and take care of this issue. The world and the Middle East seem to have issues constantly. I don’t think this is such a great idea but maybe we should (the world) just eliminate our issues.
I feel like Iran is violating its people’s right to freedom. The Iranian’s need to fight back and overcome their government. I also feel bad for Google because there’s always some issue.

"Iran to shut down Google email service: Report." Egypt Daily News 10 Feb. 2010: 1.

Friday, February 12, 2010

February 13, 2010 class question on Oligopoly

If we are serious about democracy, we need decent journalism And to get decent journalism, we need to make fundamental reforms in our media system.
What do I think?
I do think we need to change the way journalism is done in the world and stop having all systems biased. We need a way to make journalism interesting and eye catching.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Fixing cars and womens appreciation

Last night I was helping my father fix a headlight on our Nissan Altima and my view of cars changed a little bit.
My mom asked my dad to fix the headlight around nine at night and it was kind of rushed because she wanted it the next day. It was also extremely cold because we were in our garage so our fingers were rather frozen.
The point is that my dad took apart and had to figure out how to put back together the front of the car to get to the right side headlight. He had to take apart the air vent that leads to the engine and then figure out how to put together the headlight again. To those people who know how to take apart and reassemble cars you think it’s probably really simple but to the others, such as my dad and I, we know it’s difficult if you don’t know what you’re doing.
We stayed out in the cold for about two hours or so and cursed the people who manufactured the car in a way that’d be easier if you just took it in to get it fixed which is part of why I’m even writing this.
We couldn’t find a way to get the actual whole headlight out without taking the whole front of the car off so it made the job a bit more difficult and the little spring that is meant to hold the small light in place fell into a small opening right below the light and luckily I was there to fit my arm down and get it back. All in all the manufacturing seemed to be purposely done to make the buyer go into the show and spend hundreds of dollars on something that would only take you five bucks and about an hour to do.
But also another reason why I am writing this is because the mothers and wives. There are women out there who are car crazy and love to work on cars or even know the hardship that others can put into one but there are also those who don’t know and don’t care as long as it’s done right and on time. A lot of those women don’t even appreciate it.
It takes time and hardship and when a husband or boyfriend fixes your car up do you really pay much attention to it?
The paragraphs above explain the time and work put into fixing cars in a minimum. But women need to understand the world around them and the effort that is put into different things.

Friday, February 5, 2010

NASA's new engine

NASA has created an engine that uses Positrons to power it and they're using it for the mission they are planning to Mars. This new mission to mars will involve taking people and this new engine and they are saying it will take only days to get to the planet.
NASA mentioned what would happen if the rocket would explode but it seems that they are dimming the issues. Even though there's a low possibility of the rocket engine exploding, the destruction would be catastrophic. Matter-antimatter explodes and causes a BIG boom (To put it unintellegently) and gamma rays are emitted. NASA is minimizing the damage that it could possibly cause.
I think they need to further their research and test their systems further in the time they have before the launch and they need to postpone their launch if needed.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Another energy source...?

The Star Trek Enterprise seems to have a heck of a lot of energy running it (just pretend it's real because for all we know it could be). Now what is that energy it's running off of? And can we use it in the future or is it really just some other fiction story?
The energy the Enterprise runs off of is matter-antimatter which are negative and positive anti-particles that neutralize each other but when in contact with matter it explodes which would make it hard to control.
If only we could figure out how use the antimatter as a new energy source. If we could find a way to use it as our energy source then we'd have less pollution on this planet and once we start traveling out to other planets we won't start polluting those planets either.
But first we'd have to figure out how. How would you attain matter-antimatter?
Antimatter is thought to be in a parallel universe and break through the 'walls' that hold it in that universe. Also another way was by high-energy particle collisions.
Then there's the question of how we can store and use it.
Matter-antimatter reacts with matter and causes an explosion. Trying to hold matter-antimatter in a metal box or levitate it in air would be futile. Air is matter. Atoms are matter. So technically if you wanted to hold matter-antimatter then you'd have to use a vacuum and also a type of magnetic field around it to hold it out of atoms way.
How would you use it as an energy source?
Hopefully, manipulating and stretching the magnetic field, we'd be able to extract a few particles and move them through a complicated system vacuum to another secured magnetic field in another machine.
The downside (and possible reason why we might not use it) in the use of matter-antimatter as an alternate source of energy is that matter-antimatter needs more energy then it gives to work it. The matter-antimatter engines/etc. would need another source because of the energy it takes itself. So if you have a plane running off of a matter-antimatter engine then it'd need another type of energy source to 'feed' off of.
Now I think that I'd like to somehow research this energy source and see if it would help to have more then one engine together so that the number of engines would feed off of each other and sustain each other with the right energy amounts.

Tyson, Neil D. Death by Black Hole. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2007. Print.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Internet and it's downfall

The internet is a big part of society and life today and using search engines such as Google and Yahoo people can find out anything about anything.
This is a good thing and a bad thing because students and adults can keep in touch with family and friends miles away as well as do work online going international with a buisness. There are problems with having internet because of topics such as Cyberbullying and identity theft. Also there is an unlimited amount of information about weapons and materials in the military posted on the web. It seems to be harmless but other enemy countries could just access the internet as easily as any other and look up the blueprints and information on weapons systems and figure out the weaknesses. Even though top secret information isn't leaked onto the internet, weapons that are used today are shown and described.
It is mans right to know what's going on and it's nice to quench curiosity but it could be a malefactor.

Iran cut off

The states arms export said that the sales of weapons has increased despite the financial situation of the world. The buyers include Iran which the world feels is a threat with their nuclear weapons.
Rosoboronoexport, Russian deffensive weapons manufacturer, said that their income has risen 10% in the past year. In 2005 Moscow signed a treaty with the Tehran to supply its forces (Iran's) with S-300's which are defensive systems that could be used to fight off air strikes. Even after the treaty, there have been no deliveries yet.
Russia might be supporting a sanction to help halt Iran's nuclear program now. The United states have created a treaty to secure all nuclear materials being imported and exported for the next four years. Russia hasn't signed yet but they seem to agree with the nations against Iran.

Abdullaev, Nabi. "Rosoboronexport sees no obsticals to Iran arms deal." The Moscow Times [Moscow] 28 Jan. 2010: 1-1. Print.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

What's going down in the middle east?

Watching the 'State of Union' inspired many thoughts about Health care, Jobs, economy, and change. But what I didn't expect was that we were going to have our soldiers moved from Iraq to Afghanistan after August.
The troops will be moving towards the borders of Iran, which holds nuclear weapons, and lingering there by next year.
America's relations with Russia have increased since the treaty between the two about the decreasing of Nuclear weapons sales. Also yesterday, a conference in London, with 44 nations involved, was held about the situation of other nations that have nuclear weapons and aren’t afraid to use them and to secure all nuclear weapons so that the other 'outside' nations will not be able to get hold of them. Obama wants to create a world of peace (Something most people want) but those nations are a threat to the world and his plans on 'ostracizing' them seem to me like a childish way to commence.

State of Union. January 26, 2010